In the short number of years since it was originally launched, in 2007, has gone on to become one of the major online classified networks of new and used cars for sale, on the internet. The combination of the sheer number and range of cars to be found on the database, coupled with the depth of information provided about all of the vehicles, has ensured its popularity with those looking to buy or sell a car – either new or second hand. Indeed it could be said that sites such as have actually changed this particular landscape, removing the need for buyers to engage in lengthy searches under their own steam, by letting them find what they are looking for almost instantaneously online.

The Motors app, which is can be used with devices like the iPhone and iPad is intended to make this even easier still, by ensuring that this search can be conducted from any location simply by using your mobile device. Given that more than 3 million people look for second hand cars for sale from, and more than 15,550 vehicles are added to its database every month, it is no surprise that both Apple and Motors were keen to develop this collaboration.
The 3.2 version of the Motors app allows users to find a list of all the available cars on the Motors database simply by inputting a handful of essential search criteria. The search criteria information about the cars is divided into group of categories most of which will be obvious – if important – to those who are searching; including the make and model, colour, price, distance and postcode. These latter categories ensure that you can limit the cars which show up in the search results to those within a search distance of your choosing. – ensuring that a suitable car located at the other end of Britain does not show up, unless you want it to. However the best part of the Motors app is the number of vehicles available via it – more than 160,000.